Signs That It's Time To Replace Your Heat Pump

Signs That It's Time To Replace Your Heat Pump

You rely on your heat pump for everything from keeping your home warm and comfortable to providing you with much-needed heat when temperatures drop to their lowest.

But how can you know when it's time to replace your heat pump? Watch for these signs and schedule a heat pump replacement appointment with Controlled Air Heating and Cooling on Vancouver Island today!

a technician repairing a heat pump

Frequent Need for Repairs

One of the biggest signs to replace heat pumps is the need for frequent repairs. Not only is this costing you money in repairs, but it's also costing you in terms of efficiency and effectiveness. Replacing key parts in an old heat pump can also be difficult because manufacturers often discontinue the production of older models.

If you find yourself scheduling repair appointments more than once a year, it's probably time to replace your heat pump.

a man looking at an energy bill

Sudden Spikes in the Energy Bills

If you've noticed that your energy bills have been gradually increasing over the past few months, it's probably due to your heat pump working overtime to compensate for its declining efficiency. A replacement heat pump will be much more efficient, meaning you'll see a decrease in your energy bills almost immediately.

humidity on a window

Humidity Problems

Heat pumps are responsible for both heating and cooling your home, and when they're not working properly, they can cause the humidity levels to fluctuate. If you've been dealing with excessive humidity, it's time to schedule a heat pump replacement appointment.

a woman wrapped in a blanket on a couch

Some Rooms Are Too Hot or Too Cold

Finally, if you've noticed that some rooms in your home are too hot or too cold, it's a sign that your heat pump is no longer able to evenly distribute heat. This is usually due to a problem with the ductwork, but it could also be a sign that your heat pump is on its last legs and needs to be replaced.

Watch for the Signs to Replace Your Heat Pump!

If you watch for any of these signs, you'll know when to replace your heat pump. To schedule a heat pump replacement, call Controlled Air Heating and Cooling on Vancouver Island to schedule an appointment today! We'll help you choose the best heat pump for your home and budget and get it installed quickly and efficiently.